
Day 2 A Fresh Start Monday

Day2Hello Sisters,

Try to make the time during your devotions and if you don’t have a devotional period, perhaps this is a time to begin. Our commitment in this 40 days is to shift from a certain way of being that we considered normal, [triggers] into a whole new way of being, leaning and depending on Jesus Christ as our guide.

For the remainder of the 39 days, we are going to be paying very close attention to the thoughts that we are having, the words that we are using, the stories that we are telling. As we do this, we will start to notice the voice in your head, and there’s actually two voices. You’re going to be able to distinguish between the two of them.

So I ask that you think about the beliefs that you hold about yourself – beliefs that have been unconsciously running the show. I suggest that you write them down and then take another piece of paper and remember that old things have passed away; you are a new creation in Christ and take the card that you were given and declare those beliefs – and here are few others: I am forgiving myself and others; I am NOW willing to let go of past beliefs about myself because those are my past and I take the next steps toward a better future. I begin every day with forgiveness, gratitude and live every day with love. I clear my grief with cleansing tears; My heart beats to the rhythm of love; This is one statement that for me is life changing: I easily let go of ALL disempowering beliefs. TRUST GOD for guidance and watch THINGS CHANGE.

Rev. Jacki