Day 40 To Be Continued….

Wow, we have reached Day 40. It has been an experience and an adventure; for some a roller coaster ride of emotions or smooth sailing; it has given some focus and new ideas. For me it has been good.

401It really does not end today. The foundation has been laid. Affirmations have been committed to memory; scriptures have been lifted and are lifting and most importantly: God loves up on us as only God can, but now, hopefully you are aware.

Look around you and embrace your life; Release any faults and/or fears that you find in it and Love Your Life; Express Gratitude, Appreciate every aspect of it and Rejoice that this is God in You.

402.jpgYou are not a broken vessel in need of fixing in human eyes. You are, instead, a Vessel of Honor created and molded by the creative genius, the master of all things, God who created each and every one of us uniquely with His DNA within us. You are releasing, peeling, removing all those things that have not served you in the promises that God has made to you. WHAT? ” Do you not know you are the temple of the Holy Ghost?” 1 Cor 6:19. You are a joint heir with Jesus Christ and that is something you can deposit and withdraw from in the bank of life!

Continue to Affirm YOU!:
I AM happy.
I AM abundant.
I AM at peace.
I AM healthy.
I AM loved.
I AM healthy.
I AM respected.
I AM successful.
I AM confident.
I AM positive.

This is your journey. When we know, we do better – we have spent 40 days together and now walk in Joy because our journey is To Be Continued!.

–Rev. Jacki Rooths